A simple request

10994595_1056286084397087_6394667530019427129_nToday’s post is a little different than the normal.  Today I want to ask something of you.  So for those of you who have been following my posts, you’ll remember that a few weeks ago I talked about my business.  About trying to grow the number of people I was able to reach.  Well, since tomorrow is #RareDiseaseDay2015, I thought this was the perfect time to ask you to help me reach others.  Here’s how:

  1. Follow” my blog.  Just click the red box to the right that says “Follow Me”.  Easy peasy, right?
  2. Like and comment on my Facebook posts when you see me post blog updates, etc.
  3. Share my Facebook posts with the link to my blog (www.averysfight.wordpress.com) and encourage your friends to share as well.
  4. Follow me on Twitter @monogramsmatter and share my blog with your followers.
  5. Most importantly, talk to your friends and family about FH.  Share our story.  Get your cholesterol tested, ask to have your children’s tested and encourage your friends and family to do the same.  Do it today.  Do it for YOU and do it for THEM.  Early detection and treatment could make a huge difference in your life and in the lives of your loved ones.

I have over 600 friends on Facebook.  Imagine the number of people I could reach if each of them shared my blog!  Share on your timeline, on a page you manage, share in groups you belong to, share via Twitter….share here, share there, share everywhere!

This matters. She matters. They matter.
